June 25, 2020

Introduction to Anxiety Simplified With Joanne Williams, LCSW

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Podcast (Audio Only)

In this episode: Joanne Williams, LCSW a 30 yrs. Veteran Licensed Mental Health Therapist shares her Simplified Anxiety Solutions from her vast experience with treating Post Traumatic Stress Survivors PTSD interfering anxiety.
● Ways of Dealing with Anxiety.  Including Anxiety Relief and Ways to Cope with Anxiety.
● Why anxiety is a helpful guide.
● Explanation of why we have anxiety.
● Key is your thoughts to manage your anxiety.
● The “What ifs": How our Catastrophic thinking is affecting and activating the anxiety.
● Increase your awareness of your thoughts is one way to counteract the old thought habit of anxiety as a treatment for anxiety or causes of anxiety.  

5 minute calming meditation at the end of the podcast.

This week’s question is:
Question: How to deal with road rage or someone that is anxious in the line at the supermarket? 

Next podcast episode: A must listen to understand how to Stop or Cure for Panic attacks or not.

Leave comments in the comment section, we will answer on a Podcast on that subject.  So listen for your question.  Or share it with someone who may be helped with that answer.

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