Am I Living a Good Life?
Podcast (Audio Only)
In this episode Joanne Williams, LCSW discusses: How do you know you are living the Great life. Taken from Barry Davret article from
Question for today is? Does happiness and living a great life only include the material things that others see?
Summary of today Podcast:
- Do you measure you self-worth by how much your income, job title, possessions, and zip code?
- Do you stick with your passion? Make a character commitment.
- Do you recognize your mistakes and take responsibility for them and change your responses so that in the future this is not a mistake anymore it is a lesson in life.
- Do you take regular inventory of where you are and what it is that you really want to do so that you don’t have regrets at the end of your life.
- Can you admit to being wrong, or evaluate your position that may have changed as you mature?
- Do you make others feel joy, inspired, or grateful around you?
- Do you take 100% responsibility for your own actions and the results of your life choices?
- Do you use your emotions as your internal guidance system?
- Are you curious?
- Have you given up on conditional happiness?
Have you noticed your mood lately and where your mind goes when you listen to the news or listen to someone with a different perspective?
Does this help you live a better or happier life? I have a client who just told me about great things happening In her life new house, new great job with an obscene income, that is taking her to her dreams of what she THOUGHT she wanted for more income and better career. But she was overwhelmed and sad and tearful and her relationship is suffering. Why is she feeling this way when these are what we say we want and when our dreams are actually coming true?
We will Explore this. Do you ever listen to your own self talk? Or is that just to woo woo for you and don’t think it helps? Or think only crazy people talk to themselves. But, I would ask you to just notice and listen to what is going on beyond your obvious thoughts, that do become invisible, unless you listen to your own self talk. Are you kind and positive, like a good friend would say to you? Or are you saying very critical talk with judgements and messages that sound like a critical parents, or that old teacher that told you would never amount to anything.
We will look at 10 things that keep you away from your own happiness or satisfaction. Most people are not feeling satisfied or even hopeful to ever feel happy, like they did as a child. That glorious feeling of laying on your back in the grass and looking up at the clouds and dreaming and using your imagination to possibilities and the unknown. What happened? Pressure of work and family and the old thought patterns that are ingrained and invisible coming out to haunt you.
1. Do you measure you self-worth by how much your income, job title, possessions, and zip code? And even like my client I described, when she hit some of those targets, but she wasn’t happier for it. Most time when I wanted, I always craved just a bit more. A bigger boat, a bigger house, until you feel you have gotten enough and know that is not this not the answer.
2. Do you stick with your passion? Make a character commitment. Like my favorite quote of Joseph Campbell. Follow you passion. Joseph Campbell- Follow your bliss. following your Bliss- You will Put Yourself on a track that has been there all along waiting for you to use as your guiding Star.
3. Do you recognize your mistakes and take responsibility for them and change your responses so that in the future this is not a mistake anymore it is a lesson in life that we do as we grow and experience and try things to see what fits. What is our true passion. Or do you get embarrassed at your past. Maybe that shows your growth, to be proud when you look back at where you have come from.
4. Do you take regular inventory of where you are and what it is that you really want to do so that you don’t have regrets at the end of your life, that sometimes comes earlier than you think?
5. Can you admit to being wrong, or evaluate your position that may have changed as you mature? You know family and friends who cling to outdated views long since proven untrue, yet they lack the maturity and courage to admit they’re wrong? As Dr. Phil says, would you rather be right or Happy? Can you show open-mindedness and humility? Some of the greatest gifts ever for happiness
6. Do you make others feel joy, inspired, or grateful around you? And remaining neutral the rest of the time, you’re a net-positive.
7. Do you take 100% responsibility for your own actions and the results of your life choices? Someone wrote a book the 20 second miracle- when you take 100% responsibility for your life. Everything changes.
You no longer blame anyone for anything that has happened to you. and you take responsibility for everything that happens now and, in the future,- you can feel the control back of owning your life again. This is one of the most powerful things you can ever do. Start to practice this today. The opposite side of the coin from blaming is taking responsibility. Own it to empower yourself.
8. Do you use emotions as half of any solution? Do you use your emotions as your internal guidance system?
9. Are you curious? Curiosity is the gap between what you know and what you want to know.
10. Have you given up on conditional happiness? There is an idea that to achieve happiness, you must meet specific outcomes in life. Maturity does come with age and experience. but I realized that living an extraordinary life has nothing to do with your job title, bank account, or how much fame you achieved.
I see that the simpler life brings the most happiness. Contentment with having enough, of those things. Satisfaction with your accomplishments. We are never finished, and I think we think there is a finish line, and we MUST get over it to be feel we are living the good life.
When you FEEL accomplished because you have given to yourself and your family and society. Why isn’t that enough? Finding what helps you to feel what is Enough is the finish line in a realizing the good life. Then declare it is enough. Give to your self first and then you have more to give others. And know this is living the good life.
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Next Podcast: 10 ways Smiling helps your Health
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