How To Crush Panic Attacks Instantly...100% Free

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Let’s talk facts first and then what you can do about them.

Panic attacks are a surge of intense fear and discomfort that peaks within minutes and these are the symptoms:

  • Racing heart,
  • Hot or cold sensation, 
  • Sweaty, clammy palms
  • Breathing quickens or feel short of breath
  • Chest pressure, or pain
  • Tingling or numbness in your hands, feet, or lips
  • Dizzy, lightheaded, or faint
  • Dissociated or detached from reality
  • Feel like you are going to die or have gone to the ER thinking you are having a heart attack and they told you are having an anxiety attack.
  • black box

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    Let’s talk facts first and then what you can do about them.

    Panic attacks are a surge of intense fear and discomfort that peaks within minutes and these are the symptoms:

  • Racing heart,
  • Hot or cold sensation, 
  • Sweaty, clammy palms
  • Breathing quickens or feel short of breath
  • Chest pressure, or pain
  • Tingling or numbness in your hands, feet, or lips
  • Dizzy, lightheaded, or faint
  • Dissociated or detached from reality
  • Feel like you are going to die or have gone to the ER thinking you are having a heart attack and they told you are having an anxiety attack.
  • black box

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    These are skills, not pills...

    This short course can give you instant Panic Relief:

    Step 1:

     Consciously- become aware of the thoughts that drive your anxiety progress into a panic attack.

    Name the situations that trigger the fear, flying, social situations, crowds and then follow it back to when you started to think about the worst-case scenario might happen.

    Step 2:

    Action using the miracle breathing technique often and if you even start to feel the anxiety rising, you can do anywhere and anytime that will calm you immediately Guaranteed by science research.

    Learn to breathe in the calm with the Vagus 4-8 Breathing that Science agrees will calm you immediately that works immediately to feel confident to handle the fearful situation. You can see Vagus Nerve Podcast video at  7 ways to Go from fight-or-flight into rest-and-digest within minutes told by scientists Podcast #46.

    Step 3:

    Plan-Take a different perspective about the situations that created your panic previously in your specific situations by using your logic in the moment to assess the currently situations to send reassuring thoughts that you can handle this situation now

    a. Train your brain to focus on calm and reassurance instead of the imagined fear.

    b. Refocus fear thoughts to reassurance, breathe to calm, refocus on encouraging thoughts and learn to sit with the fear and watch it melt away with a calming visualization.


    Using the 3 step Panic Plan helped me to understand my anxiety process and see when it starts. Then I could show my son. I didn't think I could do this myself, but, I have done it and it works. Now my son and I both use it and we help remind each other to breath and focus.

    Juliana H

    I have a tough job as a parole officer and go into places no one wants to go into, I have used the breathing techniques in situations that used to terrify me, and now I can calm myself immediately.

    Jan P.

    panic attack workbook

    Stop Panic Attacks Now

    This course is video based to be able to re listen to over and over again with a workbook to follow again or reuse you conquer one trigger you can see your progress to feel you can do this!

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