February 9, 2023

Vasovagal Syncope Panic Attack

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Vasovagal syncope, sometimes referred to as vasovagal syncope panic attack, happens when your body overreacts to particular triggers, such as seeing blood or experiencing great emotional discomfort. Another term for the condition is neurocardiogenic syncope.

The vasovagal syncope panic attack trigger produces an abrupt dip in your heart rate and blood pressure. This reduces blood supply to your brain, causing you to temporarily lose consciousness or fainting.

Vasovagal Syncope Panic Attack

Vasovagal syncope is frequently asymptomatic. It does not come with any danger, most of the time, and does not often require therapy. However, you can hurt yourself while experiencing a vasovagal syncope panic attack episode, if you fall and hit your head. Your doctor may advise you to undergo testing to rule out more serious reasons of fainting, such as heart problems. This seems to be a mysterious condition for many people and doctors on what to do.


Vasovagal Syncope Panic Attack Symptoms

You may experience some of the following symptoms before fainting as a result of vasovagal syncope:

  • Pale or light skin tone
  • Lightheadedness
  • Tunnel vision - occurs when your field of vision narrows to only what is directly in front of you.
  • Vision distortion
  • Feeling warm.
  • Nausea
  • A slimy, chilly sweat

Bystanders may observe the following symptoms during a vasovagal syncope episode:

  • Jerky, erratic movements
  • A weak, sluggish pulse
  • Pupils may be dilated

Recovery from a vasovagal episode usually takes less than a minute. If you stand up too quickly after fainting — within 15 to 30 minutes — you risk fainting again. Thus, it is recommended to rest for at least an hour before getting up after fainting from a vasovagal episode.


Vasovagal Syncope Causes

Vasovagal syncope happens when the component of your nervous system that controls your heart rate and blood pressure malfunctions in reaction to a stimulus, such as seeing blood, or in a panic attack.

Your pulse rate slows, and your leg blood vessels dilate. This causes blood to pool in your legs, lowering your blood pressure. The combination of low blood pressure and reduced heart rate quickly reduces blood flow to your brain, causing you to faint.

There may be no conventional vasovagal syncope triggers in certain cases. However, a few of the more common triggers include:

Standing for extended periods without bending your knees

  • Exposure to heat
  • Fear of bodily harm
  • Seeing blood drawn

Straining, for instance, when having bowel movement

Vasovagal Syncope Panic Attack


Preventing Vasovagal Syncope

There may be times when you will be unable to prevent an incident of vasovagal syncope from happening. If you think you're going to pass out, or you feel that you’re about to faint, immediately lie or sit down and raise your legs.

Gravity keeps blood flowing to your brain in this manner. If you are unable to lie down, sit with your head between your legs until you feel better. The key is in recognizing that you’re about to have an episode and react quickly before it actually happens.

Breathing is our bodies #1 way to relax Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

Learn the medically proven 4 and 8 Vagus Nerve breathing that sends a calming chemical into your body to calm you immediately. Stimulating the Vagus Nerve can help with Vasovagal Syncope as well as confronting a panic in progress.

Check out Joanne’s Podcast with the medical researched explained.  Anxiety Simplified Podcast # 46  iTunes on. 7 ways to Go from fight-or-flight into rest-and-digest within minutes told by scientists.


When to Visit and Consult Your Doctor

Fainting can be an indicator of a more serious problem, such as a heart or brain illness. If you've never had a fainting spell before, you should see your doctor right away.

Fainting occurs when your brain does not receive enough blood, causing you to lose consciousness for a limited period of time. In many circumstances, fainting is not a cause for alarm.

However, fainting may be caused by a more serious underlying medical condition in some people, notably those with a history of cardiac problems or those who faint while exercising. In such circumstances, a medical professional should evaluate it at the soonest possible time.

One of the most common reasons for fainting is an emotional trigger. The sight of blood, for example, or excessive excitement, fear or anxiety, may cause some people to faint. This is known as vasovagal syncope or vasovagal syncope panic attack.

Can You Die from a Panic Attack?

Vasovagal syncope occurs when the component of your nervous system that regulates your heart rate and blood pressure reacts inappropriately to an emotional trigger. Your heart rate decreases, and your blood vessels dilate.

Consequently, your blood pressure will lower. When this happens, your body is unable to deliver the blood that your brain requires, and you lose your consciousness.

This type of fainting does not necessitate immediate medical attention. Because fainting is more likely to happen when standing up, those prone to vasovagal syncope should lie down or sit down with their heads between their knees if they begin to feel lightheaded or dizzy.

Another type of fainting might occur when you quickly rise up from a sitting or lying down position and your blood pressure drops rapidly. A momentary loss of consciousness, lightheadedness, or dizziness may result from this.

This is referred to as orthostatic hypotension. It is not usually a serious condition. Orthostatic hypotension is frequently caused by a simple problem, such as dehydration or being exposed to heat.

However, if the condition occurs on a more regular basis, especially if you lose consciousness, it is important that you consult your doctor as soon as possible. In that situation, it could be a drug side effect or an underlying medical disease, such as a nervous system disorder.

Fainting becomes more serious when it occurs in persons who have had a previous heart attack, have undergone heart surgery, or have heart disease or an abnormal heart rhythm.

In some cases, fainting could indicate a heart condition that has to be treated. Discuss any episodes of fainting with a health care physician if you fall into one of these groups to see if additional assessment is required.

PTSD Panic Attack

It is also highly unusual for someone to faint for no apparent reason, while engaging in any form of physical activity or exercise. A health care practitioner should be consulted if you have a sudden fainting episode without any earlier warning indications, such as lightheadedness, dizziness, or nausea.

Although it is uncommon, fainting as the initial clinical indication of an underlying congenital heart issue, can occur in young persons with no prior history of heart disease.

Finally, if you lose consciousness as a consequence of a fall or another form of accident, you should be assessed by a medical professional as soon as possible to ensure that you haven't suffered a concussion or another type of brain injury.

You should also take steps to reduce the severity and frequency of your anxiety attacks, because panic attack fainting is easier to prevent than it is to stop once it has begun.

Final Word

Anxiety can cause fainting, although panic attacks are more likely to cause it. Those who faint or experience fainting during panic attacks usually do so as a result of hyperventilation, fast adrenaline, or vasovagal syncope. Controlled breathing will help with any hyperventilation concerns, and anxiety reduction will keep this feeling from happening again.

Try these ways to intervene next time so you never faint from a Panic attack.  Knowing steps to use can be really beneficial.

panic attack lead gen graphic

Stop Panic Attacks Now

This course is video based to be able to re listen to over and over again with a workbook to follow again or reuse you conquer one trigger you can see your progress to feel you can do this!

Click this link to take your first steps out of having panic attacks forever. Take a >Video 3 Step Course on how to Crush Panic Attacks with Joanne Williams, LCSW< Learn from a 30-year mental health professional. In this course, the 2nd step teaches the Vagus breathing, to get that immediate calming.

However, if your panic episodes become regular or interfere with your life, it is a good idea to seek professional care. You can then concentrate on learning how to calm down after a panic attack, better managing them, and coping with the associated worries.

Contact Joanne Williams for a free 10-minute consultation on you best next step at 760-485-6784.

Disclaimer: This article is by no means a replacement for medical attention

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