Course Overview
Lesson 1
Life Story In Bullets
Life Story in Bullets
Resolving Anxiety Requires ”Doing the Opposite” of the Chief Defense
These techniques has been developed from my 3 decades as a therapist
In the 4-week course to confidence we will be answering the mystery of what happens that anxiety got in your way and restructure it.
We're not going to change the past. But we can understand what keeps you away from you living your potential or keeps you from choosing a new direction towards your potential or just living a happier life. Once you understand how to do just that together.
That reclamation path is what the pathway to confidence course is all about. We can reverse engineer what happened in your life, so that you can go back to where your life took an exit off your potential path. Once we figure that out together, which exit, you took that change your direction. You can reclaim it now.
You can understand how to with my Fulfillment model. You can retrace your steps into what you truly want now.
But I'm telling you it's even simpler than that. You don't have to rethink and refigure and change a lot of things to show you because your fears will actually show you where you took that exit that changed your life potential.
And even as I say this, there's some part of you that gets what I am saying, or you remember when that exit took you off the path. dr. Phil calls them defining moments. And you never looked at life the same way again. Or worse still…you gave it in to despair not having the tools to know what else you coud do. You know when that was or you can feel when that happened. This doesn't have to be scary, if you know how to resolve it. Especially if you have new tools and support to look at it from an adult’s eyes, you can change your pathway.
Once you know where you took that exit because of a fear, you can choose again, to stay on the potential path using with my Thrive blueprint for the path that will propel you forward and that you can continue on to reach the potential you choose now. No matter your age or situation.
The Thrive Blueprint 3 step system you will learn in week 3 can be used for other minor worries or anxieties, or over whelmed states in your life, also. Once you choose to stay on your Potential path.
You can choose the worry path, or you choose the potential path. It's up to you. And I can show you how to stay on your Potential Path, in my Pathway to confidence 4 week course. Starting June 9th at 1pm eastern time.
Week 4-Create a mindset shift with the 7 Attitudes of Mindfulness to overcome self-criticism to eliminate self-doubts by choosing your New life Story. No more Trauma-Drama. To stay on your chosen path.
You will Celebrate and Savor the freedom of doing more of what you genuinely enjoy. Have the confidence to communicate from your authentic self to express with confidence and move in the direction of your souls purpose with meaning and self-love on your pathway to your Potential.
See you there.
Any questions call or email me. You have the Your life in bullet points to fill out and bring to the 1st video chat.
Oneness versus Separation
- • Perception as the Architect of Reality
- • The Core Fear and Chief Defense
- • The Building of a Personality
- • Resolving Anxiety Requires ”Doing the Opposite” of the Chief Defense
Three phases in the development of the core fear
- 1) Our first exposure to fear is in utero—cf. Grof, Rank
- 2) In early childhood, we develop primitive cognitions about
- how the world works (according to its dangers)
- 3) In adolescence—we confront the existential realities of
- adult life and solidify our interpretation of how it can be
- threatening.
The five core fears (universal themes of loss):
- 1.Abandonment (loss of love)
- 2.Loss of Identity
- 3.Loss of Meaning
- 4.Loss of Purpose (the chance to express oneself)
- 5.Fear of Death (including fear of sickness and pain)
(This is why relationships are so important, and a critical component of anxiety disorders and their cure: The fear of not expressing oneself, for example, is about expressing oneself to others; identity is based on who we are in relation to others, purpose is about how we make a difference with others, etc.).
The Chief Defense
This first contact with fear is intolerable: we begin a frantic search to restore our original innocence. We land on a chief defense as the primary tool to protect ourselves from the core fear. We have discovered our power to make ourselves safe, return to our previous peaceful state, and exercise the control to make things the way we want (cf. BPM 4).
The relief this brings is so extraordinary that it makes a powerful imprint upon our psyche: we have learned both that the world can threaten our existence and that we have the ability as an autonomous being to overcome that threat.
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