Achievable, Believable, Goal Making for 2021
Podcast (Audio Only)
“Say yes to your Passions and No to Everything Else”
Summary of today Podcast:
- Why have we stopped dreaming?
- Join my breakthrough the Social anxiety course to feel in control and confident to know how and what to say to get what you need.
- 5 Tricks to motivate you towards your goals
Question for today is? “What’s the one thing you can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”
Why don’t we dream anymore? Or why did we stop dreaming? When was the last time you spent time, just imagining- Imaging-seeing-creating thinking about our goals, wants and dreams? I believe because someone said get real, get your head in the game and stop that daydreaming all the time. Maybe some truth to that we are really avoiding our everyday dull humdrum life by imagining a better life instead of working on one. Maybe that is why we have the New Year’s tradition at least once a year. Dream again.
I remember imagining I would be a physiotherapist as a kid. I would help people walk again. I thought it was a cool name to say and the thought of helping people really resonated with me. Do you remember your first dreams, the classic fireman or nurse? All helping professions. There is something inside us that is yelling to get out. When did that voice quiet down for you? Or do you still hear it yelling out to you to achieve it now? 2/3 of people were found to not be engaged in their work.
Think about it. What if you chose this year to actualize a dream to feel success at something that really matters to you? If 2020 showed us anything that life can change in an instant and never be the same again. Take some time to think about what is important to you.
Join my Social Anxiety Simplified-Confidence Builders 6 week course using 3 powerful strategies to know what to say and how to say it with confidence while being heard and respected in social interactions. Find the relationship of your dreams, know how to ask for that raise. Have the confidence to go for that career you always wanted. More at
Listen to the profound Jim Rohn, the late personal development legend. Rohn said something that left me stunned, says Ayodeji Awosika In his article Use the ‘5-Year Rule’ to Create the Future You Want A proven process for building your dream life
Rohn believed that whatever it is you want to do to change your life — start a business, build a brand, master a skill, or create an amazing network — you could do it in the span of five years. “Five years doesn’t seem like a ton of time,”
So, in that moment he thought that 5 years was doable and seemed reasonable to commit to. Where will you be in 5 years? Either way you will be doing something, why not focus on what you really want to create. Let’s look at some actually proven things you can do.
The part of my formal psychological training kicked in to realize that with positive reinforcement and repetition creates success, which creates more positive reinforcement of liking the good feelings that success creates with that strong commitment to continue and then the belief is created, that I can achieve something once I put these elements together. That is using brain science to motivate us to reach our goals. I have used this method to counsel 1000’s of my clients unknowingly that this was the pathway that inspires us to reach our goals and have now created a fun way to achieve goals.
The components had to start within each of us for a life purpose and meaning to life. That is what brings us happiness and excitement. ½ of people were found to be unhappy with their careers. Is that you? 50%??
If you are ready to make some changes here are some things you can start today to use:
3 questions to ask yourself to get you going and in the Success Zone I call it.
Find out what is not right for you? Write these down.
- What am I good at? Or what are my strengths? What comes Naturally to me? Ask trusted friends or family.
- How do I learn the best? Quietly, alone, in a Team? Under stress. How can I focus the easiest?
- What are my norms and values that are critical I keep? They must match which ever path I take.
So, there is an element of time and persistence to make this goal come true. If you use those five years wisely, you can come out the other side of them exactly where you want to be. Here’s how to commit to the process.
Spend your first 90 days working on your new skill or path with reckless abandon. You’ll get a sense of what success looks like as you make progress, but more important, you’ll figure out whether or not you actually enjoy the thing you’re doing. If it turns out not to be a great fit, you can quit after 90 days without having wasted much time.
An alternative is to use the Rule of 100: Do something 100 times to get good at it. Write 100 blog posts. Shoot 100 videos (something I recently accomplished with my new YouTube channel), record 100 podcasts, pitch 100 potential new clients. Don’t focus on making each one perfect; just focus on doing your thing, over and over. At the beginning, it’s a volume game.
Research shows that it takes, on average, 66 days to form a new habit to do something for 66 days or 6,000, but you’ll never make a change if you don’t have a good reason. What drives change? Pain or pleasure. At some point, you simply can’t stand your current behavior or situation, and you need to do something about it. Move away or towards something new.
The habits I adopted as a result may seem like small improvements, with insignificant daily returns. But because
What is behind this goal. Are you moving away from something painful or toward something exciting and has a passion driving you??
You choose. Take the time to really look at this, either direction will get you there. Did you procrastinate at school, so you had the pressure to get it done? Or were you ahead of needing it done, so you did not feel the pressure or pain? You need to know yourself. Which drives you?
How could we possibly be excited about a new life purpose. From Darius Foroux, article, “Say yes to your Passions and No to Everything Else”.
Set three daily priorities
This is one of the best productivity strategies there is. Focus is what leads to results. It’s the thing that will bring you closer to achieving your short- and long-term goals. But how do you focus when your days are filled with endless distractions? By limiting your options. Each morning be clear with yourself about what you want to achieve. Then commit to completing three or four small, but essential, tasks — anything beyond is a bonus.
Push through the suck
In the beginning, you won’t be very good at the new skill you’re trying to learn or the path you’re trying to forge. You might just be trying to survive. Most people quit in this phase. Don’t be one of them. Why? Because one day, you won’t just get a little better and become a little more successful—you’ll be much better and experience a lot more success. This is where you desire for the outcome MUST be stronger than the suck factor. What is your desire that you MUST reach?
Check off with your progress everyday, every 7 days and reward yourself at 30 days 3 months 9 months 18 months.
Your rewards will make this doable, if they are big enough to keep you going, but easiest enough to not make it a big deal. This is where the brain science kicks in and it works to get reinforced even by simple things can hit our dopamine button in our brain for that little hit that will keep us feeling good, as we move towards a goal.
Even a gold star or a check mark, if that makes you feel accomplished and on the right track. Rewards are a must, just like a paycheck, is necessary to keep us in the game.
This is a piece of advice from reading Peter Drucker, author of Managing Oneself: Use 18-month benchmarks to track your overall progress. This length of time is long enough to give you enough data, but not so long that you create unrealistic goals.
If you lose your way, remember The One Thing
The One Thing by entrepreneur Gary Keller teaches a simple rule to help you stay focused and productive: Ask yourself the question, “What’s the one thing you can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” You can use this system to reverse engineer long-term goals into actionable goals and key performance indicators to work on in the short to intermediate term.
When you break things down to the present moment and focus on the immediate future, you’ll look up five years later to see that you’ve achieved a level of progress even you didn’t think possible. Your skills compound, like an investment account. But first you have to start.
This can take some trial and error or time to cement what is just right for you. But, Critical to get into the Success Zone.
What are you ready for this new year. Write down the 3 questions: What are my strengths? How do I learn or achieve in the best way? What are my values that are a necessity to have to feel the accomplishments feeling I am looking for.
If your old thought patterns are the reason that you give up or aren’t finding your niche yet. Maybe its time to reach out for some help. Or find an accountability coach or join a course that can help you with that clearing out the doubts between your ears.
I will be starting a new goal this January with a goal focused course that has steps for the achievable believable goals to reach, using brain science to motivate you to the finish line of mission accomplished and there is no better feeling than reaching a goal and feeling successful, no matter how small. You can find out more at
Join the Conversation
Our favorite part of recording is answering your questions, from Facebook at AnxietySimplified5. Leave comments in the comment section, we will answer on a Podcast on that subject. So, listen for your question. Or share it with someone who may be helped with that answer.
Our next podcast: Dr. S.K. Ramesh shares his ACE method of increasing of conscious awareness with a 90 second unbelievable practice that you can feel and see it for yourself.
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