July 17, 2020

Podcast 4: 3 Ways To Deal with Anxiety and Panic Attacks-Part 2

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Introduction to anxiety simplified

3 Ways to deal with Anxiety and Panic Attacks -Part 2 Ep.4

Effects of dealing with Anxiety, What causes severe anxiety? 

In this episode Joanne Williams, LCSW explains the:

  • Causes of Severe Anxiety. 
  • Genetic factors and Signs of Stress
  • Definition of Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Effects of Anxiety and Control Issues on Relationships
  • Treatment Options with Cognitive Behavioral Treatment 
  • A.C.T. Treatment Workbook   
  • Questions: Will Panic Attacks Kill you?   
  • 5 minutes Relief now meditation. 

Next podcast episode: Understanding how to Stop Panic attacks or Is there a Cure for Panic attacks? Part 2.

Join the Conversation

Our favorite part of recording is answering your questions, from Face book at AnxietySimplified.net.  Leave comments in the comment section, we will answer on a Podcast on that subject.  So, listen for your question.  Or share it with someone who may be helped with that answer. 

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