January 18, 2021

Podcast 30: Stress to Relaxed in 90 Seconds

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Stress Effects our Health and Life Quality

Podcast (Audio Only)

The Best Stress Relief

In this episode the Renowned Orthopedic surgeon DR. S K RAMESH has worked as a surgeon for thirty-six years now works to awakening awareness energies. He teaches workshops on these techniques, specializing in Age Management and the science of Youthful Aging.

We will Look through the perspective of the A.C.E method.  Awareness. Conscience and Energy.  We will have a laid-back Experiential Surprise as Dr. Ramesh shows his A.C.E method on a guest. And takes us through his ACE process. We will have a conversation and I will ask questions as they come up within the experiential treatment on our show today. 

Dr. Ramesh says Anyone can use his practical ways on any state stress/ anxiety/pain to bring its natural state back in balance.

DEPROGRAM YOURSELF to become your own healer, Master the art of letting go.


  1. The steps in the A.C.E method
  2.  Experience the resolution on a guest as it Happens for the Listener
  3. Hear the Story of Understanding Dis-Ease to Ease
  4. Scientific Explanation of The Solution as it Unfolds.

Dr. Ramesh tells us how medical techniques couldn’t help the pain of his wife’s Rheumatoid Arthritis.  He started his own journey to find a way to help her.   

He found that within each of us is the answers, but he shares his wisdom and outcome of his process ACE that you can use now yourself.

We watch as he transformed our guest Gary, with Attention Deficient and Post Traumatic Stress DO with a foggy brain through levels of his mind relaxing 50 %  within 5 min. and with him having less thoughts, his emotions were released with tears,  his body felt lighter and full of joy using his ACE method.

Use Guided Mediation For Stress Relief

After Dr. Ramesh started seeing the results of his A.C.E method with his wife, the scientist in him had her do EEG, brain scan and blood work and they all showed a decrease in the markers for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). And she still has no signs of RA today

Dr. Ramesh then described how stress goes into the Physical body and creates dis-ease or disease. His A.C.E method can help anyone ready to take on the responsibility for their own health journey. 

Dr. Ramesh does a treatment on Gary, we were able to watch, a willing participant with brain fog, and in 90 seconds went through the A. C. E. process and Gary could feel the brain fog cut in half and he felt more joy and less thoughts.

His ACE method can used in a daily exercise in as little as 9-90 second exercises in your daily life and use it for a stressless life.

The steps are measurably and repeatable.

Practice 3 times every day or when needed.  

Find out more with Dr. S.K Ramesh he also has a book on his ACE method of lowering stress at www.awarkeningtheace.com

Join our DAILY FREE workshop now! at https://www.drskramesh.com/

Follow our Next Podcast: Eva Vennari -When Doctors say We don’t Know

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Our favorite part of recording is answering your questions, from Facebook at AnxietySimplified5.  Leave comments in the comment section, we will answer on a Podcast on that subject.  So, listen for your question.  Or share it with someone who may be helped with that answer. 

See other podcasts at AnxietySimplified.net

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