Podcast (Audio Only)
5 Classes of Worries and Ways to Handle Them
In this episode Joanne Williams, LCSW discusses how we see the world thru fears eyes and a way to change that lens.
Summary of today Podcast:
- The World Is a Lot Less Screwed up Than We Think It Is
- Long-term trends look good.
- 5 Classes of worries and ways to handle them
Today I want to share 10 things that are getting better in our world in an article by Concoda and How our chronic fears fall into five fairly distinct classifications: A. Gilkey a pastor in 1930.
- Worries about disasters which, as later events proved, never happened. About 40% of my anxieties.
- Worries about decisions I had made in the past, decisions about which I could now of course do nothing. About 30% of my anxieties.
- Worries about possible sickness and a possible nervous breakdown, neither of which materialized. About 12% of my worries.
- Worries about my children and my friends, worries arising from the fact I forgot these people have an ordinary amount of common sense. About 10% of my worries.
- Worries that have a real foundation. Possibly 8% of the total.
Gilkey prescribes: Limit worrying to the fifth group. This simple act will eliminate 92% of his fears. It will leave him free from worry 92% of the time.
Listen for any of these fear as hear the 10 things that are getting better in the world and how if you can keep focused and say to yourself, I will only worry about this issue, IF IT ACTUALLY is happening than using up valuable energy with 99% of worries never come true.
Sounds simple it is the hard part is changing the worry habit. If you want help read my upcoming book how to stop worry in 5 steps.
Everyone is guilty of spreading negative vibes at some point — Think about social media, your attention is usually fixed on the drama of the day. Or in the mass media matrix, the politics, and the social injustices for one moment, though it’s hard to believe, we have made decent progress as a species over recent history.
Here are the 10 Ten Global Trends: Every Smart Person Should Know
Ronald Bailey and Marian Tupy destroy the pessimistic narrative that the world is heading toward an apocalypse by laying out ten simple, yet powerful, facts showing humanity has progressed over the last few centuries.
Here is good news, start to direct your focus to what you want more of in the world, instead of the “car wrecks of messaging” vying for your attention.
- The global economy has increased by 100x.
Compared to, the 1900s, with the help of freer markets and rule of law, saw GDP growth rates average at least 3%. Tupy calculates GDP will increase to a whopping $1.1 quadrillion by 2100.
- Global poverty has imploded.
In today’s world of rampant consumer capitalism, it’s hard to believe that only two centuries ago 84% of the global population lived in poverty, earning almost $1.90 per day. But as The Great Enrichment spread gradually across the world, we managed to cut extreme poverty in half.
Now, the global poverty rate stands at 9.3%, and if this keeps falling at today’s pace, it will drop to roughly 5% by 2030. The United Nations also set the goal of abolishing extreme poverty for everyone, everywhere by the same year.
- We’re not running out of fuel.
Despite what some people claim, we’re not running low on any resource. In fact, the Simon Abundance Index reveals that almost every commodity increases in volume and availability the more we demand them.
Humanity has yet to run out of a single commodity, and we’re not even close.
- Famine has almost disappeared.
In 1961, the daily supply of calories stood at ~2,100, but now, this has risen to ~3,000. “The world’s poorest region enjoys access to food.
Today, famines only exist in war torn countries and those experiencing droughts, but that could change in the future as relief efforts continue to improve.
- Democracy is smashing autocracy.
Following the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, democracy has spread rapidly across the world, beating the communist and fascist regimes that had arisen since the 1920s.
Though now it’s still close, the world has more democracies than autocracies.
Using a scale from -10 to 10, where -10 equals tyranny and 10 equals a free society.
From 1989 to 2017, the number of “fully-fledged democracies”, a score of 7 or above, rose by 13%, while “fully-fledged autocracies”, a score of -7 or less, decreased from 39% to 11%.
6.We have more trees now, not less.
Contrary to popular belief, mother nature is beating deforestation.
In September 2018, a University of Maryland study found that the global tree canopy — the visible portion of the plant— has not declined but increased by 2.24 million square kilometers, an area bigger than Alaska and Montana’s landmass combined.
7.The world is much safer.
As technology has advanced rapidly in the modern age, dying from a natural disaster is now 99% less likely according to the International Disaster Database.
Since satellites give scientists a comprehensive overview of developing weather conditions, meteorologists have Doppler radar to measure hurricanes, seismologists use data to detect future landslide risk, and volcanologists listen to volcanoes to predict eruptions, most governments can act in time.
Interstate wars have almost disappeared.
In 2017,the RAND Corporation reported that, apart from a short period between 2014–2015, armed conflict worldwide has decreased dramatically.
Now, if we could just get the U.S. and China war machines to leave the Middle East and Africa, we may get closer to world peace.
- We’ve yet to become urban.
“No country has grown to middle income without industrializing and urbanizing. None has grown to high income without vibrant cities,” says the World Bank, illustrating how the rise of cities globally has helped improve human prosperity.
While you’ll find most innovation, growth, and money in cities, this actually helps the planet. It’s hard to fathom how city dwellers produce a smaller carbon footprint than people living in rural areas, but it’s true.
And as the other 3 billion people who still live in rural areas keep moving to the city, this will continue to improve.
- There’s more to go around.
You’ve probably heard that a decreasing population is bad for the world — and especially bad for your stocks, shares, and real estate. But there are many upsides too.
As Tupy and Marion state, “falling child mortality rates, increased urbanization, rising incomes, and the spread of political and economic freedom” correlate with families having fewer children, which also creates more reproductive freedom.
Wolfgang Lutz, a demographer at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, predicts the global population will peak at 9.8 billion in 2080 and will have dropped to 9.5 billion by 2100. This one is for the grandchildren.
- It’s still scr*wed though.
And it always will be. That’s how the world works. As new injustices and atrocities emerge every day, we’ll never be content or satisfied.
That’s the way we think. Our minds make it happen. Negativity and availability bias, psychological fallacy means we love to consume the bad over the good. It results from a cognitive shortcut to enable quick decisions and judgments.
Maybe we’re too privileged. Maybe we have it so great that when most of our problems disappear, we tend to create or seek out new ones.
And sometimes, we focus so much on the negatives that we forget we have it better than ever.
We can’t dispute that the ten trends Tupy and Bailey have outlined proving we’ve progressed as a species, but we’ll never let go of how we believe the world is descending into chaos.
We know it’s not all doom and gloom. We know the world is a lot less sc*rwed than we want to believe it is, and, deep down, this will keep us going in the back of our minds; for now, at least.
It is a choice to consume news and then evaluate it to see how it can serve you. Instead of create fear. We are creatures of drama, but for today, choose to see the world as ½ full?
This is by no means a replacement for therapy of any medical attention if you need it. Always reach out and take care of yourself or if you are feeling like you want to hurt yourself, there is always someone standing by at 1800-273-8255 or call 911. Remember to Share the Love.
emotional support animal or a Psychiatric Service Dog
Check out the videos of the podcasts at AnxietySimplified.net
n this episode Joanne Williams, LCSW will discuss Top books on Emotional Intelligence Tony Robbins 'Unlimited Power' and Esther Hicks 'Ask it is Given' and comments on how the Words we use Matter and Joanne explains Where our Beliefs come from. An interview with Cara Lumen about the importance of the words you choose on your Beliefs.
Summary of today Podcast:
- Quotes from several books that are known for Emotional Intelligence
- Looking at Beliefs, thought patterns and how they affect our life
- Learned Helplessness from a Shocking rat experiment
- Our Emotional Brain and how it affects our thoughts and emotional reactions and how to reroute to our Belief Center
- An interview Shaman Cara Lumen who discusses Beliefs and how words we use are powerful
- Question for today is? Where do beliefs come from.
Abraham in Esther Hicks in the book ‘Ask and it is Given’, says our beliefs are just thoughts that we think over and over again repeatedly until we believe those thoughts.
Where do these thoughts come from that turn into Beliefs? Their source must come initially from our parents, our household, or family members were the first impact of words or thoughts that we ever heard. On a conscious level, it would seem to be the case that they come from our immediate surroundings.
Do you believe the same kinds of things that your mother and father believe? Or have we changed our beliefs? I would say yes because most of us have similar, maybe not exactly, but you'll hear many say, as we get older, Oh my gosh...I sound exactly like my mother or my father. Whether we like it or not, that does seem to be the case.
Then we develop coping skills or ways to problem solve in our life circumstances. We all have to figure these kinds of problems out. But, from a child’s viewpoint.
I learned about brain development through Graduate school to be a licensed counsel, but I am no means a neurologist, nor an expert on the brain. But, I do understand that the emotional brain that is developed starting at 6 months before our rational brain, which starts to develop with rational analytic kind of understanding starting at 12 years and it keeps developing even until 25 years old or 35 years old. No wonder males must be 25 to rent a car. And the insurance industry has higher rates for males under 25 yr. old.
So, if our emotional brain starts at 6 months and we use it figure out how to get our needs met. We cry and wait to see if someone comes. We can have an emotional reaction if we get our needs met or if we don’t get them met. What happens, if no one does come when we are hungry? What do you think that little brain does? Or if that little brain has pain instilled when it does cry to get it needs met? You can see that many things are happing in our little brains that could affect it.
What do you think's going on emotionally in a household at 6 months old? Siblings loving on you or they could be abusing you. Your parents could be loving you or they could be neglecting you. You can almost understand the emotional response to each of these one of these situations on brain development. I understood as I learned about childhood development that there is such thing as learned helplessness. This could start to happen even to A baby or even a person later in life. Because of our emotional responses to situations.
In this experiment about Learned Helplessness from Graduate School, there were experiments with rats, that were used to see their response to a Surface with one half that is electrified, and the other half was not. One rat could go between the two sides and get off of the electrified surface and of course they would feel better. The other rat could only stay on the electrified surface and couldn’t get off it.
It was not enough electricity so that it would kill the rat it was just painful and at some point, because the pain did not stop they gave up trying.
This is where the term learned helplessness came about. At some point you give up when things are just are too painful and it things don’t get better or stop. There seems to be no way out we just stopped trying. How sad is that to give up or succumb to a life experience because you can’t figure a way out.
Can you see how victim thinking could start very early when there is no way out for a child under age 12, when you don’t have the cognitive abilities to discern or figure out options. Or how personality disordered can start to manipulate the situation to get your way, If it works then you repeat it, maybe through life. If if doesn’t work what happens to that child? Maybe they lash out, get angry and believe that the work is not a safe place to live.
This one Belief can make or Break a child’s view of the world. Is it a safe place or not?
I remember being at seminar with Tony Robbins, the great Motivational Speaker, 35 years ago and He had just written his first book was ‘Unlimited Power’, he said that 90% of our beliefs are formed by the time we are 8 years old and 95% of our Beliefs by the time we are18 yrs. That is a means what we belief when we young stick with us for life.
No wonder they call it the formative years.
Aristotle the Greek philosopher once said “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man”
So what can we do about changing our Beliefs?
- Understanding these Belief points can help you understand why people do what they do and believe the things that they do. It might make you more compassionate and help you understand how to respond. Maybe you don’t respond to their reaction, you respond to what they may not understand.
- I hope this Helps you to be kinder to yourself and to understand where your beliefs are coming from. It’s a child’s view. Maybe that is why you are the way you are and if you don’t like it, be aware of it and Change it.
- Beliefs are just thoughts that we have thought over and over again until we believe them.
- You can change your Beliefs by being AWARE of them. Notice what you’re your thoughts are to change them or notice your emotions which are your internal guidance system is showing you your emotional reaction to your own thoughts.
- This is what my ACT method is based on. That you can start for free on my website anxiety simplified.net. Be aware to change the thought feeling combination. Then be consistent until you change the belief.
- Being Aware of your thoughts is key to be able to change them. Since if these started as a young child, you aren’t aware of them.
- Tony Robbins recommends: Change your physiology, standup if you are siting. Change the room you are in. Get lower or higher in relation to a person you are conversing with changes the dynamics. Or Change the meaning your attribute to a thing. Tony Robbins said change words of angry to: “I am peeved.” How can you stay angry when you say the word ‘peeved’? In his book ‘Unlimited Power’ create new metaphor for the situation or emotion in your life to change it.
- Change your focus- Give a negative emotion 90 seconds then change it to a positive one. Mel Robbins, 5 seconds.
- We will hear know from Cara Lumen who has the Deeper Song community as a spiritualist and Philosopher on the way our words effect the way we look at the world so we call can enjoy more.
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Our next podcast: Quotes to Overcoming obstacles with Meredith Alexander.
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